
October 25, 2019
Get to know what happens in each of our engagements by glancing through our fact sheets.   Africa Ethiopia Kenya South Africa Tanzania Asia Bangladesh India (national) / Uttar Pradesh Karnataka, India Maharashtra, India Mongolia Vietnam Latin America and the Caribbean São Paulo, Brazil Mexico Peru
October 01, 2019
Because rivers are an important source of water in Mongolia, the 2030 WRG enabled a Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSP) at the local river basin level and reformed existing River Basin Councils by establishing river basin MSPs – an approach that has never been used before.
October 01, 2019
Very often, the need to increase local capacity for wastewater treatment has been addressed by building new facilities or expanding the existing ones, which can be very expensive. SABESP and 2030 WRG in São Paulo teamed up to invest more efficiently by optimizing the existent wastewater treatment plant’s performance.
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