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Published: 11.19.2020

Setting the path for 2030 WRG scale-up


The 2030 WRG Governing Council met virtually at the end of November 2020. The meeting was an important milestone in setting the path for 2030 WRG scale-up. Building on the guidance to 2030 WRG from the Steering Board over the past year, the Council centered on the strategic directions of 2030 WRG in more fully engaging partners, leveraging the World Bank Group, and elevating and raising the visibility of 2030 WRG to be the vehicle of choice in collective action on improving water management across sectors.

GC members expressed support for 2030 WRG to expand to new countries and states while innovating on models to generate financial sustainability at different levels. Building on the GC meeting of September 2019, the GC supported the development of the City-based MSP model as part of deepening engagement in countries. The GC also supported the development of “program accelerators” in countries with more mature MSPs as a key strategic pillar of the scale-up strategy of 2030 WRG. Global private sector partners expressed interest and offered their support to engage with the 2030 WRG Secretariat in shaping, conceptualizing, and actively being part of the accelerator programs.

2030 WRG will also increase links with the climate and nature agendas to further explore circular economy and nature-based solutions as part of a larger effort to look at water security and resilience planning and adding more shades of blue to sustainable financing.